
Saturday, 12 April 2014

Simple Merging two photos

Simple Merging two photos 

"Singing with the Deer" 

The results of these edits on Display in Greece (A cafe "Down Cafe" at Instambul, Turkey) a cafe that accommodate people with disabilities to work there .. its inauguration by the mayor

The resulting simple photo merge two photos .. to get a different story from the original photo


Stage 1

This photo with a concept, before did a shot photo.
in my first photo shoot of my son who was singing in a forest in the area of ​​Gunung Kidul Wonosari.
The second photo,I shot at a captiva deer at Gadjah Mada University of Yogyakarta

Stage 2

Selection process / Isolation photos to paste ..... (photo deer)
results selesi processes that use Magnetic Lasso tool and Quick selection tool, producing images into two. quality and smoothness of the resulting image, heavily influenced by our diligence in the selection process / isolation image

adjust brightness and saturation contras, to match the first image and the second image ...

Stage 3. 

after the selection process is complete then do the transfer of images to the image as the first image 
to image 3

Stage 4. 

Perform duplikan layer, with Rectangular Morquee tool in the field, which will be useful to cover the feet of deer .. (Click Ctrl-J)

Then do the elimination of unwanted parts, with the eraser tool, so the deer legs look fused with the first photo.

Stage 5. 

Furthermore, by combining all layers, with layer-flattern Click the image ..

Stage 6 

to further highlight the characters or images that become more sharply, we can do
a. do duplicate the layer that has been incorporated earlier
The screen will look like the image below

then on the duplicate layer is made of black and white photo, by clicking the image, Adjusments-desaturate. as shown above.

Stage 7. 

The next step to Filter-Other-High Pass .... set the radius within their needs ...

stage 8 

then set the blending mode to vivid light

Stage 9. 

stay in the edit photo colors (tones), and the brightness contras, as needed ...:
the end result is as shown in photo ....
good luck ... 

================regards 3joko =================

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