
Saturday, 12 April 2014

Black background (Make a photo with a dark background)

Dark Background

This time I tried to explain to make a picture with a dark background.
several ways to produce images with a dark back lata:
1. Photo by isolated object and replace the screen with a dark,
2. Photo that in settings in camera and location shooting,


Examples of the photo below, the result of setting the location, because this little boy sitting in front of the door, with a background of a dark little room, with dark ground floor, with the use of Flash (which is at a low setting) from the side, will produce light side with a dark background. but there is little in this photo editing process to remove the exposed areas of Flash (Floor slightly lighter)

I use a regular camera is not DLSR

Canon Powershot S5IS
speed of 1/100
F = 3.2
iso 100
location: My Home

Playing with Water 

The second example is by way of isolation and edit photos with changing the background to be dark. 
in this photo (model my son) was playing in the river water. since that time the weather was nice, and the bright background. then the resulting image will look natural and bright, but in this case I am trying to change so that a clear picture becomes visible on the dark background, as if using a flash from the front and top. how to edit it as a way to combine two photos., and to add a natural, with the help of brush splashes of water.

In to the light 

The example below, without using a flash, taking position of the dark areas, resulting in a silhouette image, light from the sun outside the front of the hall.

Nikon D 70
Kecepatan 1/60
F = 4.8
Iso = 100
lokasi : Gembira loka Zoo

Stare -2

This photo (model my son), here I do not use a flash. The photograph at night, and by relying rays of light on the wall space above.

Canon EOS 550D
Kecepatan 1/10
F = 5
Iso = 1600
Lokation : My Home 

Next example is natural light (sunlight) from the side, taking the position of the dark area, so it looks more detail for Its object. 

I took this photo while in Banjarmasin (RumahSinggah) home for children with cancer disease. in the room with the only light from the sun through the window, and the light of her fentilasi on the roof 
Had it pleases readers to help ease the burden of the They, can be opened in Pray and Save Our Souls

Nikon D90
Kecepatan 1/50
F = 4.5
Iso = 720

Canon Eos 550 D
Kecepatan 1/10
F = 5.6
Iso = 400

Canon EOS 550 D
Kecepatan 1/500
F = 4
Iso = 200
Lokasi Purbalingga

Canon EOS 550 D
Kecepatan 1/500
F = 4
Iso = 200
Lokasi pintu ruang tamu rumah

Hopefully, this article can give a little overview of some of the many ways to make photos with dark areas

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